Our nonprofit is considering doing a targeted Facebook campaign for more “likes” and to expand our mailing list. Has anyone used it, and has it worked for you?
Maybe you’ve heard this question before. Maybe you’ve even been the one who asked it.
But there’s another question that any nonprofit organization should ask before investing more time on Facebook. Why should anyone like your Facebook page? What’s in it for them?
We’re All Busy People
Remember that people are busy. Even if they know you–even if they care about the problem your organization is trying to solve–they have limited time. Spending some of it on you may mean spending less time on their friends. Or their hobby. Or sleeping.
Why is liking your page worth their while? Will you make them smarter? Will you make them smile more often? Can they find unique information on your page? Can they find other like-minded people actively discussing issues that interest them all?
What to Do First
Before going for more likes, take a hard look at the Facebook page you have. If very few people have liked or shared your posts, and almost no one has commented, does your base of supporters find it useful now?
If you’re not sure, ask them. That might give you the information you need on how to attract new supporters. It will surely tell you how to get your current supporters more engaged. Because you want more than “likes.” You want a page that people can’t wait to visit again!
Here’s a few ideas that might make your Facebook page a magnet for supporters:
- Post a provocative question, and prime a couple of your supporters to respond to it right away. Once they get the ball rolling, more people who follow your page may join in.
- Do a poll, and promise to let everyone know the results. (Again, plant a couple of quick responders in your audience.)
- Get someone who’s well-known in your community to tell the story of when your services (or services like those you offer) saved their life. Get local journalists to cover the story too, including the link to your page.
Frankly, it’s a waste of time trying to get new people to like your page until you have more reasons for them to come back to it regularly. “Because we want them to participate in our auction” is YOUR reason. You have to find THEIRS.