“What’s the right car seat for my child?”
I know a lot of parents who’ve wondered about this question. Some have done extensive research online to figure it out.
The Phoenix Children’s Hospital created an app for that. According to Jay Baer in his book Youtility, “Parents enter the height and weight of their child, and it instantly recommends the appropriate type and size of car seat.”
The Car Seat Helper is free, and it solves a pressing problem for parents. But what does it do for Phoenix Children’s Hospital?
- Answers a question that would take too much time to answer case by case.
- Prevents injuries, which is part of the hospital’s mission.
- Creates a glow around the hospital that leads parents to choose it for their children.
- Shows the hospital’s expertise and commitment to grantmakers and donors.
Nonprofits struggle to reach through the murk of messages people receive to make our own message heard. But there’s a simple answer.
Solve people’s problems and you’ll get their attention. Solve a problem that’s related to your organization’s mission, and you may win a friend.