“You have a Ph.D. Why do you like working with social media?”
I’d been helping Bobby, a young nonprofit professional in Ohio, think about relocating to the Boston area. He found my advice useful.
Clearly, however, he found my choice of career puzzling. Over time, I had moved from the academic life to nonprofit management, and now I specialize in nonprofit communications, including social media.
Here are some of the answers I gave him. With social media, I can:
- Help worthwhile organizations build closer ties to people. Your agency’s Facebook friends and Twitter followers end up identifying with you, caring about your work, and supporting you with volunteer time or donations.
- Continue learning more and more about any subject that fascinates me by following ongoing conversations on that topic.
- Learn about subjects I had no idea I wanted to know about, until some interesting item crossed my path.
- Keep in touch with people I like, even when we’re quite unlike.
- Let some serendipity into my life.
How would you answer Bobby’s question? Why do you like working with social media?