Your donors don’t owe you anything. Don’t treat them like they do.
A nonprofit colleague of mine recently shared this story.
My mother-in-law received a letter this week from a national charity that had “Past Due” on it in red, “second notice” in black, and a bar code on the envelope. The nonprofit’s name was only in 8-point font, on the back, on the flap.
She’s been dealing with significant medical bills from a recent illness, and this straight-up scared her. Then made her mad.
I went straight to mad.
Can you blame her? I am angry too. Not only because that organization scared the bejeebies out of a sick woman, but because they made all the rest of us in the nonprofit sector look bad, too.
Responsible organizations want our donors to know, like, and trust us. We want them to understand the impact their donations are making. We want to win them as loyal donors.
I’m sure you work for a responsible nonprofit organization. Please join me to make sure the bad example in the story is shunned and not repeated.