Thank you for taking a real vacation.
You will be happier and easier to get along with when you get back. Chances are, you’ll be healthier, too, and more productive.
But only if you take a real vacation. Not a “working vacation.” Not a “I’m splashing my kids on the beach and wondering if I should check my phone” vacation.
As Beth Kanter has pointed out, not all vacations are created equal. You only get the benefit of taking time to yourself if, first of all, you actually take it–and second, if you remove stress and replace it with something you really enjoy.
I’m in the communications business. I know how to plan my posts ahead. I could fool you into thinking that I’m at my desk today, and all the next week, instead of spending quality time with my wife.
I’m not going to do that. Know that today, this post is ALL you’re going to see from me. And for the next week, I’m going to be online less. If you write me, I’ll get back to you eventually.
Project Time Off is leading a national movement to transform American attitudes and change behavior. They hope to shift culture so that taking time off is understood as essential to personal well-being, professional success, business performance, and economic expansion. You will find useful research, resources, and other information to help you make the case for taking your vacation time.
But if you work for yourself, don’t wait. Take a vacation. It’s the best way to say “Thank you” to yourself.
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