You would have to say that my wife, Rona Fischman, is a Dan Fogelberg fanatic.
When I met her in 1986, she had all of his albums on cassette. Once she got a CD player, she replaced those cassettes with CD’s. then she put them on her iPod. And when the man died, in December 2007, it ruined her New Year.
But Rona is thinking seriously about un-following the Dan Fogelberg page on Facebook. Why?
Simple: it’s doing too much selling.
The Dan Fogelberg page is pushing Rona to check out the website, to buy a Christmas album on Amazon, to go to Peoria for a benefit concert.
It’s too much for Rona. And she’s a diehard fan. (Let’s face it, who else would follow a dead songwriter on Facebook in the first place?)
My advice to the Dan Fogelberg page is also my advice to your nonprofit. Give first. Give again. Give some more. Share things that your followers will value seven, eight, or nine times. Then if you must sell, sell. If you must ask, ask. But rarely.
People come to Facebook to spend time with their friends. If you want them to consider you a friend, give, don’t sell.
Here’s a gift from Dan Fogelberg to all of us. Enjoy the turning of the year!
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