I don’t go to many nonprofit events. I get invited to too many: I can’t attend all of them.
So, this spring I chose to go to The Welcome Project’s Yum: A Taste of Immigrant City and skip half a dozen other events held by groups I care about. I’m a Baby Boomer.
Lauren doesn’t go to many nonprofit events either. But she doesn’t pick and choose. She just doesn’t go. She’s a member of Generation X.
And meet Katie, a Millennial. She doesn’t go to galas…and “what’s a check?” But Katie will volunteer (especially along with her friends), and she will raise money for you online (by asking her friends).
How do you get all three generations to feel engaged and excited about your cause, and support your organization? Here’s how:
Approach us as we’d like to be approached.
For the details, read my guest post on Tripp Braden’s blog, The Three Generations Nonprofits Want to Reach!