Are you just starting out with social media? Learn the ABC.
A is for Audience. You are not writing for the general public. There’s no such thing–and if there were, 99% of them aren’t the people you’re trying to reach. Identify the community you’re trying to reach, find out as much about them as you can, then tailor your social media messages to give them what they want.
B is for Blogging. Zuckerberg owns Facebook, but you own your blog. The rules won’t change, and you won’t have to start paying for what you used to get for free. Your blog establishes you as an expert in your field. It’s the key to your content marketing. And you can turn every blog post into ten posts on social media, or in your newsletter, or in the local papers.
C is for Content. Nobody has to read anything you write. Given the chance, they’ll watch cat videos instead. If you want people to look at your posts, and to look for your posts, and even to look forward to your posts, you have to give them content that serves them. It doesn’t always have to be original writing. It could be video. It could be curated from another site. What it does have to be is useful to your audience.
As the Jackson Five used to sing:
A B C it’s easy
It’s like counting up to 3
Sing a simple melody
That’s how easy love can be
Show your readers some love if you want them to love you in return. Start with the ABC.
Come and learn more about social media at the No Nonsense Social Media webinar tomorrow, January 21, at 2:00 p.m. Eastern. Just click on the link to register!
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