No matter how good you are, you cannot do it alone.
Nowhere in life is this more true than in communications.
It used to be that if you could put a sentence together, you could do a good job marketing your cause or your company. In the age of the internet and the mobile phone, you need more skills than any one person is likely to have.
Who are the players on a strong communications team?
- People with stories. They could be your direct service staff or volunteers, your Board members, your customers or clients. Develop them as sources, so they look out for stories you can tell.
- Writers. Someone who can take other people’s words and make them sing in print is essential to your team.
- Photographers. A picture may not be worth a thousand words. It may, however, make all the words you write more meaningful and memorable.
- Artists. Sometimes a good graphic is more powerful than a photo (and often, easier to produce when you need it).
- Tech people. Because your newsletter, blog, email, Facebook post, or video is no good if nobody sees it! Someone has to keep the system up and running and figure out the glitches as they occur.
- Editor. You need a consistent tone to your communications, and they must appear regularly so your audience expects them. Put one person in charge.
Notice that I said “players,” not “people.” In a small organization, one person may write, edit, and solicit stories and photos. Another may take photos, lay out the final draft, and keep your email from being marked as spam.
Are you still trying to do it all alone, or have you recruited strong players for your team?
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