Are you planning on sending out a lot of thank-you notes before 2016 is over? (I hope so, since many thanks means you got a lot of donations!)
Here are some great tips on writing thank-yous that people will remember.
- Caryn Stein of Network for Good gives us 5 Rules for Thanking Donors.
- Pamela Grow shares A free thank you letter template you can swipe!
- Beth Ann Locke advises us, “Start with appreciation. End with thanks. And liberally sprinkle gratitude in between.” Find out how in this great article.
- Gail Perry of Fired-up Fundraising tells us How to Craft a Killer Thank-You Letter.
- I’d be silly not to mention my own article, The Ideal Thank-You Letter Went Out Today. (It’s the sequel to The Ideal Appeal Letter Begins With You.)
My friend Ann Green has it right: we should be thanking our donors all year long. In fact, she suggests we set up thank-you calendars the same way we set up editorial calendars.
It’s not too late. Today, before any more time goes by, figure out when you’re going to write, call, email, or send a video to show donors just how grateful you are.
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